Monday, January 27, 2020

My Creative Experience As A Secretary Education Essay

My Creative Experience As A Secretary Education Essay Reflection is to recapture, ponder and evaluate ones direct experience (Boud, Keogh and Walker, 1985). Reflective practice plays a significant role in promoting personal development, since it allows people to learn from their experience constantly and provides valuable enlightenment for their future life and career. In other words, profound and regular reflection is an essential condition for effective learning, and a prerequisite to continuous personal development (Boud, Cressey and Docherty, 2006). Given the importance of reflection, this essay will reflect upon my creative experience as a secretary in Vincent Villa Design. According to Hatton and Smith (2005), reflective writing can be divided into these four aspects: descriptive writing, descriptive reflection, dialogic reflection and critical reflection. This model will be employed in the following three parts of main body: In the Section 1, I will describe my creative idea generation in Vincent Villa Design, which is the combination of descriptive writing and descriptive reflection. In the Section 2, I will conduct profound analysis about the nature, sources and impact of creativity, taking my creative experience in Vincent Villa Design as example. Also, I will evaluate the quality of my creative judgment and reveal its deficiencies; as well as presenting possible alternative to improve its effect. This part can be referred to as dialogic reflection, In the Section 3, I will critically reflect upon what I have learned from this creative experience, and present its enlightenment for my future career as a manager. Evidently, critical reflection is involved in this part. Description of my creative idea generation in Vincent Villa Design Context and reason for my creativity Vincent Villa Design is a specialised decoration and design company for high-end villas in Beijing, China. I have once worked as a secretary and interpreter who handled formal documents and helped with business negotiation between designers and clients from French, Italy, Germany, India and of course, China. Despite broad sources of customers and designers, the company failed to establish a series of formal document formats. But abundant documents were involved in each villa decoration project, e.g. contracts, engineering designs, formal letters and meeting records. All these documents must be in an order and easy to review from time to time, thus ensuring smooth project progress. Therefore, I started to develop a new pattern of formulating various documents. Process of my creative idea generation Permitted by general manager, I have accomplished these four creativity procedures with the support of counsellors and designers. First, established bilingual Minutes of Meeting in single profiles. Minutes of Meeting first reported the data, time, place, topic and attendees. In addition, each aspect of discussion was listed in the table one by one. Moreover, the Minutes of Meeting were sent to all attendees and the client himself within one working day, to ensure the timeliness of information transmission. Second, designed new pattern of Decoration Contract and Design Contract with the counsellors. Since original contract had some incomplete clauses and incorrect English translations, I read it carefully and modified the diction while adding some new contract terms. Of course, I resorted to our consellor to ensure the preciseness of new contracts. Third, provided unified business letters with the watermark of our company. For instance, all the notices for property management office and the clients themselves would be in unified pattern and labeled with the watermark of our company. Redesigned by our design department, such watermark could prevent some copies of our important letters and designs, thus protecting our corporate image. Fourth, standardised all the technical terms commonly used in design papers. I translated the common terms of various design papers and entered them into computer. Each designer received such a list for reference so that their standardised terms could be understood more easily by foreign clients. Of course, they also provided kind support for my translation by explaining the meaning of some difficult terms. In addition, I also suggested that the design papers should be printed in different levels if necessary. For example, some good design papers could be published as an internal book, which could be used in preliminary contract negotiation to attract generous villa owners. Table 1 Summarisation of My Creative Practices in Vincent Villa Design Items My Creative Idea Generation in Respect to Formal Document Formats Context With the setting of a villa decoration and design company, Vincent Villa Design, this creative activity involve general manager, designers and I. Reason The company lacks standard layout of formal documents, resulting in the difficulty of reviewing and understanding important business information. My contribution established bilingual Minutes of Meeting in single profiles designed new pattern of Decoration Contract and Design Contract with the counsellor provided unified business letters with the watermark of our company. standardised all the technical terms commonly used in design papers Outcome My standardised document format ensured more smooth development of various projects, and higher satisfaction from extensive villa owners. Analysis about the nature, sources and impact of creativity: evaluating the quality of my creativity in Vincent Villa Design Taking my creative experience in Vincent Villa Design as example, the following will review some theories explaining these three dimensions of creativity: nature, sources and impact. These theories will provide solid evidence for evaluating the quality of this creative practice, revealing its deficiency and presenting a better choice. Nature of creativity Abundant management literatures have been attaching importance to the enhancement of creativity in workplaces (Villalba, 2008). For instance, Boden (2004) identifies creativity as the capability of coming up with new, astonishing and valuable ideas and artifacts. As stated by Bessant and Tidd (2007), creativity is to make and communicate meaningful new connections to provide new and unusual possibilities, different viewpoints as well as varied thinking ways, thus allowing us to generate and select alternatives. Creativity can be of a combinational, exploratory or transformational nature (Boden, 2004). Among them, combinational creativity is to combine familiar ideas in an unfamiliar and interesting manner. This can bring more surprises. Normally, the outsider is not expected to win the Derby, while ideas X and Y are not expected to be combined. In reality, they have been recognised as mutually irrelevant. Combinational creativity can be witnessed in analogy, poetic imagery, visual collage, and juxtapositions of political ideas in cartoons. Although these conjoined ideas are not originally relevant, such an interpretation builds a close or perhaps very close link between them, thus satisfying part of your surprise (Boden, 2004). In many psychological literatures, to form unfamiliar combinations are acknowledged as the only choice of creativity. However, different implications are held by exploratory and transformational creativity. For exploratory creativity, highly valued ideas or structures can be produced. It need not adopt current style in an unthinking manner but search for and test some specific stylistic limits deliberately. For instance, a painter would exhibit his lifework retrospectively through chronological arrangement of canvasses, where the vivid process of exploratory creativity can be seen before your eyes. Otherwise, such an exhibition could have been arranged by a doting family member who has less sense than money. Moreover, exploratory creativity can also vary the adopted style while testing their limits and potentials. In other words, some constraints defining the style can be tweaked or altered slightly, for instance, in the retrospective exhibition mentioned above (Boden, 2004). Different from exploratory creativity, transformational creativity varies the stylistic dimension to a higher degree. Since exploratory creativity varies original style slightly or superficially, the novel structure is still intelligible to gain immediate acceptance, instead of being rejected as absurd. But in transformational creativity, the new idea will not be accepted or even understood until many years later. For example, Les Demoiselles dAvignon by Picasso is criticised and hidden for some years before being exhibited. Despite their distinct natures, these three processes of creativity take place together in some occasions (Boden, 2004). My creative experience is a typical example of exploratory creativity. This is because I have seen the limits of original document style and tweaked it slightly. Such change is not as marked and unintelligible as that of transformational creativity, while it is not merely the simple combination of existing ideas or styles. In this sense, my creativity has accomplished the goal of a feasible exploratory creativity. As a result, standardised documents are widely used in various business links, thus contributing to the operation of a whole villa project. In addition, all the villa owners have perceived the more convenient services provided by our company. Therefore, my creative activity has realised the proper role and practical significance of exploratory creativity. Sources of creativity Baldwin and Von Hippel (2009) state that producer model can be viewed as a dominant creativity mode. In other words, producer is a source of creativity. To be specific, it has been universally acknowledged that producers would provide the most creative design for consumers via on-sale goods and services. Evidently, producers seek profit from many users, who purchase and use a design developed by the producers. Therefore, more investment in a creative design can be afforded by a producer serving many clients than any single user. In this sense, producer-developed designs are assumed to have dominant position over user-developed designs in most business fields. It is argued that the expectation of profits is the incentives for producers to create. But producers will lose these profits if their creativities can be copied easily. Then subsidies or intellectual property rights must be provided to producers so that they can control their creativities exclusively for a period of time (Baldw in and Von Hippel, 2009). However, producer is not the only source of creativity, which can also originate from user firms or individuals. Creativities by single user individuals or firms have already become two increasingly significant alternatives for creativity model. Both producer and user creativity models have a different manner to acquire economic advantages in some occasions and disadvantages in others (Lundvall, 2010). My creativity in Vincent Villa Design is just a typical example of producer-source creativity. In the process of this creative activity, I am a member of Vincent Villa Design, the producer who serves extensive villa owners to make profits. The success of my creativity practice has its root in the approval and support from general manager and colleague. Such creativities are motivated by our companys intention to gain profit and maintain good reputation. Having adopted standardised documents, our company provides better products and services to gain stronger customer satisfaction and attract a broader range of customers. Impact of creativity For past decades, both organisational researchers and change management practitioners has paid increasing attention to the antecedents, processes and outcomes of creativity in organisations (Eskildsen et al., 1999). Evans and Lindsay (1999) point out that to establish a creative organisation has been viewed as a prerequisite to business excellence. In other words, creativity can exert positive impacts on personal and organisational development. However, unexpected risks can also be induced by unsuccessful creativity, which must be taken into full account while planning a creative process. Table 1 Review about Creativity Theories Field Researchers Statements Nature of creativity Boden (2004) the capability of coming up with new, astonishing and valuable ideas and artifacts Bessant and Tidd (2007) make and communicate meaningful new connections to provide new and unusual possibilities, different viewpoints as well as varied thinking ways, thus allowing us to generate and select alternatives Boden, 2004 of a combinational, exploratory or transformational nature Sources of creativity Baldwin, C. and Von Hippel, E. (2009) Producer is a source of creativity Lundvall, B. A. (2010) The increasingly important model is user creativity. Impact of creativity Eskildsen et al., 1999 Both organisational researchers and change management practitioners has paid increasing attention to the antecedents, processes and outcomes of creativity in organisations Evans and Lindsay (1999) To establish a creative organisation has been viewed as a prerequisite to business excellence For instance, my creative document formats has allowed Vincent Villa Design to present its stance and attitude more clearly. This creative practice also promotes the communication and collaboration among general manager, colleagues and I. As stated above, the watermark used in business letters is redesigned by the design department, while some difficult terms are explained by experienced designers in our company. All these people take initiative in providing support for my creativity, thus achieving its good outcome. However, the users of our services fail to be involved in my creative process. By combining the feedback and support from producers (our company) and users (villa owners), I could have generated better effect of creative practice. And many villa owners would have perceived that their feelings and suggestions were valued. In turn, they would show stronger preference for our delicate services and recommend it to their friends. Then my creative contribution would have played a better role in enhancing our corporate image. In conclusion, the better choice is to combine the feedbacks from producers and users. Reflection on what I have learned from my and others creative contribution Kolb (1984) highlights reflection as a cyclic learning process which covers these four links such as concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualisation and active experimentation(to see the figure below). The former three stages have been interpreted in above analysis, and the following explains how I will conduct creativity practice actively in future. Source: Kolb, D. A. (1984). Experiential learning experience as a source of learning and development. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Thanks to my creative experience mentioned above, I have gained full awareness about the significance and impact of creativity. In addition, I have also perceived the fact that a successful creativity cannot be accomplished by myself only, which must rely on the combination of various personalities and abilities in a harmonious team. This provides great enlightenment for my academic year and future career. Once I am assigned to a position with greater responsibility, e.g. a manager, I will encourage all my subordinates to provide timely and distinctive advices by rewarding those active creators via subsidy or annual bonus. In other words, a good platform and atmosphere will be provided so that every team member shows intention to generate creative ideas. Furthermore, I would expand my personal relationships with managers of homogenous companies and potential clients while maintaining normal working relationships with them. More efforts will be made to improve my personality charm and management competence, thus creating a more adhesive team. Furthermore, Wallas Stage Model will be employed in my creative process. Wallas (1926) outlines that a creative process mainly covers these four stages such as preparaction, incubation, illumination and verification. Preparation is to assess the problem initially; incubation thinks about the problem unconsciously; illumination comes to an idea generated from the thinking of incubation stage; and finally, verification is to verify, adapt and optimise the idea consciously. Similar to the model by Kolb (1984), this creative process is also a benign cycle in which every stage is independent and complementary for each other. In other words, the full cycle must be completed to ensure the effectiveness of creativities. Obviously, these three stages of preparation, incubation and illumination have been involved in my creativity in Vincent Villa Design. However, I fail to incorporate verification to my creative process. This is because I have not attempted to modify the new document formats constantly to allow an experience of our surprisingly changing services. Therefore, I would conduct more critical thinking in future career as a manager, and thereby realise a benign cycle of creativity with great efforts. Conclusion This essay reflects upon my experience of establishing creative document formats in Vincent Villa Design, which can be referred to as exploratory creativity. General Manager, designers and I have been involved in this creativity, but I fail to ask villa owners for their advices in advance. Better alternative for my creativity is to combine producer creativity and user creativity, i.e. seeking feedback and help from both colleagues and clients. Such reflection allows me to gain a broader sight into my creative contribution and learn more for my future career as a manager. I would build formal working relationships and personal friendships with my subordinates, homogenous service providers and the most importantly, customers. National Advisory Committee on Creative and Cultural Education (NACCCE, 1999) reported these four chracteristics of creative process: imaginative to generate something original; purposeful to put imagination into practice for some targets; produce original ideas related to ones own and others previous work or output in some specific field; create values for a particular objective by generating ideas and deciding the most appropriate one. Therefore, I would make all attempts at accomplishing a benign cycle of imaginative, purposeful, original and valuable creativities. In my future career as a manager, Kolb learning cycle and Wallas Stage Model will be adopted to enhance my creative management competency.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Communication and crisis Essay

The paper focuses on essential communication in the community crisis situation described in the provided scenario. The paper includes the following: The individuals or groups that will be communicating inside and outside the organization during this crisis situation Potential advantages and challenges associated with communicating within the organization and with the public and private sectors during this crisis situation Differences in communication processes used in crisis situations, including what you learned from the situations in the scenario and how you might incorporate that knowledge to improve health care communication strategies Appropriate technology, such as social media, affecting communication during the crisis situation and how these technologies may be used to enhance communication How technology might be used differently now than it was during the crisis situations described in the scenario Media opportunities during this management crisis The paper cites a minimum of three sources, one from the University Library and another from the course textbooks or Electronic Reserve Readings, to support the paper’s position. Additional Comments: The paper—including the title page, reference page, tables, and any appendices—is consistent with APA guidelines as directed by the facilitator. The paper is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, and white space. Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Personal Hygiene Essay

Sanitation is the hygienic means of promoting health through prevention of human contact with the hazards of wastes as well as the treatment and proper disposal of sewage wastewater. Hazards can be either physical, microbiological, biological or chemical agents of disease. Wastes that can cause health problems include human and animal feces, solid wastes, domestic wastewater (sewage, sullage, greywater), industrial wastes and agricultural wastes. Hygienic means of prevention can be by using engineering solutions (e.g. sewage and wastewater treatment), simple technologies (e.g. latrines, septic tanks), or even by personal hygiene practices (e.g. simple handwashing with soap). The World Health Organization states that: â€Å"Sanitation generally refers to the provision of facilities and services for the safe disposal of human urine and feces. Inadequate sanitation is a major cause of disease world-wide and improving sanitation is known to have a significant beneficial impact on health both in households and across communities. The word ‘sanitation’ also refers to the maintenance of hygienic conditions, through services such as garbage collection and wastewater disposal.[1] The term sanitation is applied to a wide range of subjects such as: Improved sanitation – refers to the management of human faeces at the household level. This terminology is the indicator used to describe the target of theMillennium Development Goal on sanitation, by the WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation. On-site sanitation – the collection and treatment of waste is done where it is deposited. Examples are the use of pit latrines, septic tanks, and Imhoff tanks. Food sanitation – refers to the hygienic measures for ensuring food safety Environmental sanitation – the control of environmental factors that form links in disease transmission. Subsets of this category are solid waste management, water and wastewater treatment, industrial waste treatment and noise and pollution control. Ecological sanitation – an approach that tries to emulate nature through the recycling of nutrients and water from human and animal wastes in a hygienically safe manner san ·i ·ta ·tion  noun ËÅ'sa-nÉ™-ˈtÄ -shÉ™n: the process of keeping places free from dirt, infection, disease, etc., by removing waste, trash and garbage, by cleaning streets, etc. Health Impacts of Sanitation[edit] For any social and economic development, adequate sanitation in conjunction with good hygiene and safe water are essential to good health (Mara, Lane and Scott and Trouba 1). Lack of proper sanitation causes diseases. Most of the diseases resulting from sanitation have a direct relation to poverty. The lack of clean water and poor sanitation has caused many diseases and the spread of diseases. Sanitation is very important in order to keep good health.One of the most significant diseases that arise from poor sanitation is diarrhea. Deaths resulting from diarrhea are estimated to be between 1.6 and 2.5 million deaths every year (Mara, Lane and Scott and Trouba 2). Most of the affected are young children below the ages of five. Other diseases that are caused by poor sanitation include schistosomiasis, trachoma, and soil transmitted Helminthiases. Poor sanitation accounts for almost 50 percent of underweight child since it has a direct link to diarrhea. Children suffering for diarrhea are more vulnerable to become underweight. According to Mara, Lane, and Scott and Trouba (3), about 26 percent acute respiratory infections occur in children who are malnourished, which has a direct link to diarrhea. Sanitation is a serious issue that is affecting most parts of the world especially the developing countries. On a global scale, the most affected are children who in most cases lose their lives due to diseases caused by poor sanitation. Major initiatives need to be set up if the MDG goal on sanitation is to be achieved by 2015. †¢ WHAT IS SANITATION? †¢ Sanitation literally means measures necessary for improving and protecting health and well being of the people. Sanitation is any system that promotes proper disposal of human and animal wastes, proper use of toilet and avoiding open space defaecation. †¢ WHAT IS DEFAECATION? †¢ It is the practice of passing out excreta †¢ WHAT IS OPEN DEFAECATION? †¢ It is the practice of passing out excreta in open field and indiscriminately. This excreta often finds it way into sources of drinking water and food and may lead to disease. A drop can kill: One gram of excreta can contain; 10,000,000 viruses 1,000,000 bacteria 1,000 parasites cysts 100 parasite eggs ÂÆ' WHY SHOULD I STOP OPEN DEFAECATION? †¢ To prevent the spread of excreta-related diseases such as typhoid, cholera, diarrhoea and dysentery. †¢ WHY MUST I USE THE LATRINE ALWAYS? †¢ To prevent the spread of excreta related diseases †¢ WHY IS 2008 DECLARED THE INTERNATIONAL YEAR FOR   SANITATION? †¢ Sanitation has been neglected for a long time. This has contributed to high levels of sickness and death especially among infants and children. More investment is required in hygiene and sanitation. †¢ CAN POOR PEOPLE AFFORD TO BUILD SAFE LATRINES? †¢ Yes, poor people can build latrines using locally available materials WHAT ARE THE SAFE SOURCES OF WATER? †¢ Protected springs and boreholes, treated pipe borne water and protected hand dug wells †¢ WHY SHOULD I DRINK WATER FROM SAFE SOURCES ONLY? †¢ To prevent diseases like guinea worm, cholera, diarrhoea, typhoid and to remain healthy. †¢ WHY MUST WE LIVE IN A CLEAN AND HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT? †¢ To prevent hygiene and sanitation related diseases and enjoy good health. ÂÆ' HOW CAN WE ENSURE A CLEAN AND HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT? †¢ Undertake individual and collective actions by sweeping, cleaning, clearing drainages, proper disposal of human and animal wastes, proper use of toilet and avoiding open space defaecation Personal hygiene Summary Good personal hygiene is one of the most effective ways to protect ourselves, and others, from illness. This means washing your hands, especially, but also your body. Good habits can help control body odour and bad breath. One of the most effective ways we have to protect ourselves and others from illness is good personal hygiene. This means washing your hands, especially, but also your body. It means being careful not to cough or sneeze on others, cleaning things that you touch if you are unwell, putting items such as tissues (that may have germs) into a bin, and using protection (like gloves or condoms) when you might be at risk of catching an infection. Personal hygiene, such as bathing, is very much dependent on the culture in which you live. In some cultures, it is expected that you will wash your body at least every day and use deodorants to stop body smells. Other cultures have different expectations. Body odour Body smells are caused by a number of factors working in combination, including: Chemicals in sweat, including pheromones, which are made by the body and sexually attract (or repel) other people. Wastes excreted through the skin, such as metabolised alcohol. The actions of bacteria that live on the skin and feed on dead skin cells and sweat. Unwashed clothes, such as underwear and socks. Hand washing Most infections, especially colds and gastroenteritis, are caught when we put our unwashed hands, which have germs on them, to our mouth. Some infections are caught when other people’s dirty hands touch the food we eat. Hands and wrists should be washed with clean soap and water, using a brush if your fingernails are dirty. Dry your hands with something clean, such as paper towels or hot air dryers. You should always wash your hands: After using the toilet Before making or eating food After handling dogs or other animals If you have been around someone who is coughing or has a cold. Personal hygiene for women The vagina is able to clean itself no special care is needed, other than washing the external genitals. Do not put anything like douches into the vagina, as the delicate skin can be damaged. Here are some personal hygiene suggestions for women: Menstruation – wash your body, including your genital area, in the same way as you always do. Change tampons and sanitary napkins regularly, at least four to five times a day. Always wash your hands before and after handling a tampon or pad. Cystitis – is an infection of the bladder. This is a common condition for sexually active young women. Urinating after sexual intercourse can help to flush out any bacteria that may be in the urethra and bladder. Thrush – some soaps and detergents can irritate the skin of the vagina, and make thrush infections more likely. Some people find that they often get thrush when they use antibiotics. Use mild soap and unperfumed toilet paper. Avoid tight, synthetic underwear. Try cotton underw ear, and change regularly. There is medical treatment for thrush, so talk to your doctor or pharmacist. Personal hygiene for men A build-up of secretions called smegma can form under the foreskin of uncircumcised men. If you are uncircumcised, gently pull back the foreskin when you have a shower and clean with water. You can use soap if you like, but make sure you rinse it off well. Bad breath Good dental hygiene includes regular brushing and flossing. Bad breath can be caused by diseases of the teeth, gums and mouth, such as infections. Most people have bad breath first thing in the morning because saliva is not made while you’re asleep. Some foods that can cause bad breath include garlic and onion. Mouth washes, mouth sprays and flavoured chewing gum can make your breath smell better for a while, but if you have a health problem in your mouth, you need to see your dentist. Travelling hygiene When travelling overseas, take special care if you’re not sure whether the water is safe. Suggestions include: Drink only bottled water. Don’t use tap water to clean your teeth. When you wash your hands, make sure they are totally dry before you touch any food. Don’t wash fruit or vegetables in unsafe water. If you have no other water source, make sure the water is boiled before you drink it by holding it at a rolling boil for one minute. Make sure any dishes, cups or other utensils are totally dry after they are washed. Where to get help Your doctor Dentist. Things to remember Good personal hygiene is one of the most effective ways to protect ourselves and others from many illnesses, such as gastroenteritis. Wash your hands regularly, especially before preparing or eating food and after going to the toilet. QUIZ BEE! 1. refers to the maintenance of healthy and hygienic conditions, free from disease-causing organisms? Answer: SANITATION 2. it is very important to ensure the __________ of the guest because it is our duty to serve them and make them satisfied of our work? Answer: HEALTH 3. it means free from disease-causing organism and other harmful contaminants which are often not visible to the eyes? Ans: SANITARY 4. it should be properly covered, so that the bacteria wont lay on it to prevent a deseases to a certain costumer? Ans: GLASSES AND WATERJUG 5. it is the most effective ways to protect ourselves and others from illness? Ans: GOOD PERSONAL HYGIENE OR PERSONAL HYGIENE 6. what do you call to the organization that focuses on health of every individual? Ans: WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION 7. Area should be protected from _________________, regularly fumigated to  eliminate pests? Ans: PEST INFESTATION 8. Housekeepers are advised to protect themselves from contamination by wearing and using the _____________? Ans: PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENTS Or PPE.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Theme Of Technology In Fahrenheit 451 - 786 Words

In society today as one knows it, technology plays a major role. The world has become so reliant on technology that life would be unimaginable without it. As the world develops it is becoming more apparent, that not only do we want technology but we need it. It has taken over our feelings as well, making us feel all sorts of emotions. Technology seems to cover us from the real world, plastering the realness of society. We refer to it when we are sad because we know that it is always there to make us happy. Although, can it disguise true happiness? In Fahrenheit 451, happiness is lost within certain characters. So much so, that they withdraw themselves from the outside world and try to contain their happiness with technology. In societies†¦show more content†¦Not only has Mildred removed herself from society, but she has removed herself from her own happiness. Early on in The Hearth and The Salamander does Mildred accidentally overdose on sleeping pills. One can infer that this is caused due to her depression and disorientation from her own well-being. Mildred’s response to Montag’s statement of â€Å"You took all the pills in your bottle last night.† (Bradbury 17) is â€Å"Oh, I wouldn’t do that.† (Bradbury 17). These vehement words illustrate Mildred’s identity toward reality. Mildred is in denial because the technology surrounding her has captured her mind’s thoughts and expressions allowing her to not understand for herself. She has allowed her relationship with her technological family to replace the bond between her and Montag, and because of this she has become astonishingly lost and depressed. The counteract to her depression would be a departure from her TV family and an introduction to the real world. In one instance, where Mildred and Montag are caught in an exchange of words, Montag had said â€Å"We need not to be let alone. We need to be really bothered once in awhile. How long is it sin ce you were really bothered? About something important, about something real.† (Bradbury 49). Although come to think of it, Mildred has never really been bothered on top of never experiencing something real because she has everything that one could possibly want to be happy. Ray Bradbury’s novel suggests that there areShow MoreRelatedFahrenheit 451 By Francois Truffaut1310 Words   |  6 PagesFahrenheit 451 Analysis Franà §ois Truffaut’s 1966 science fiction film, Fahrenheit 451, encapsulates a dystopian society that controls its inhabitants. This film is based off of Ray Bradbury’s 1953 novel of the same title.Truffaut took the novel and created a full length film to tell the story. The use of future is a common characteristic of science fiction movies, yet this particular film uses future to relay its message, not just as the setting. 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